Oak Park Then & Now
borrowed from the Class of '61 web site...pretty cool huh?
(this day in our lives changed me forever, I had never lived in fear before---oh, not for myself but for those I love, family, children, best friends...I will never forget. JH)
a 9/11 Remembrance
When we remember the stockbrokers, office workers, maintenance workers, bystanders, window-washers and all the others who worked together so valiantly to help each other, we can say together,
We remember great courage.
When we recall the firefighters who rushed upstairs as most everyone else was racing out, we can say together,
We remember selfless service.
When we recall the police officers who stood to protect and defend the people and performed their duties until the towers came crashing down on top of them, we can say together,
We remember selfless sacrifice for the safety of others.
When we recall the thousands of workers, women and men and old and young, single and married, American-born and those born in countries around the world who did not escape the buildings, we can say together,
We remember the loss of human life.
When we recall those citizens who rushed to help, did all they could to help, we can say together,
We remember and give thanks for dutiful commitment to those in distress.
When we recall the people who stood in line at the nation’s blood banks to make living donations from their very bodies, we can say together,
We give thanks for those who live on to pass on life and love.
When we remember the millions of Americans who gave so generously of their life and labor to endow funds to help the survivors and their families recover from their losses, we can say together,
We are grateful for generosity.
Remembrance begins with deep, personal identification. It begins with remembering the affliction of our brothers and sisters, and marking their pain as our own. Remembrance is a sacred moment when we raise up and hold to the light of the eternal moment, the good who have passed.
In our sadness, horror and shock we acknowledge that our own fears turned murderous and we have sought revenge, sometimes against even the innocent.
We confess and regret our own anger and recognize its dangers to our spirits, our health, our community, and others.
In the midst of the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001 we have been tempted to seek only our own good, hear only our own truth, and acknowledge only our own suffering.
We know that peace will come to us and to our children only when the concerns of justice anywhere become the subject of political and social will everywhere, and that no justice leads to no peace.
In striving for national security and domestic peace, we run the risk of confusing might for right and participating in the very behaviors we condemn.
Guard and guide our country that in our search for security we may not trample the rights of the innocent nor disregard the rule of law. Let us not confuse leadership within the global community as the voice for the whole community.
We recall with joy the unity we felt in the outpouring of help, kindness, thoughtful words and deeds from at home and around the world.
We must hold firmly to our unity, borne forward now not of tragedy, but of loving kindness.
We place fresh confidence in international organizations and conversations that bring the diverse gifts of the world to the problems of poverty, injustice, terror and strife.
We long for wise policies that forego short term gain for long term stability, justice and peace.
Remembering that year filled with tragedy, we still dare to hope for an era yet to come in which the slaughter of innocents, greed, the ambitions of power, and cultural, racial and religious bigotries are but memories of a dim and unenlightened past.
This is the one of the best presentations of the sixties that I have ever seen online. It is very well done. Just click on the link and sit back and enjoy the memories. Great photos and facts.
(1) Name all five of Riverview's major roller coasters.
(2) What was the former name of Martin Luther King Drive ?
(3) How many times was Richard J. Daley (the 'Old Man') elected mayor?
(4) Identify any two candidates who lost to the original Daley.
(5) What is an alewife?
(6) What did Jack Brickhouse yell when the Cubs hit a home run?
(7) Name, in order, the three papers Mike Royko wrote for.
(8) What gasoline chain had "Dino the Dinosaur" as a mascot?
(9) Which of Bill Veeck's legs was the "peg-leg" (You've got a
50/50 chance of getting this one right!)?
(10) Identify Resurrection Mary.
(11) Why was 1340 North State Parkway a famous address?
(12) Who was Uncle Johnny Coons?
(13) What car dealer was on 'South Western Avenue at 57th Street'?
(14) Name the announcer of TV bowling at Faetz-Niesen.
(15) What was a "Green Hornet?"
(16) Where were the Stockyards located?
(17) What type of store was Morris B. Sachs?
(18) When he wasn't doing Riverview commercials, what was
Two-Ton Baker's profession?
(19) What Catholic archbishop had a suburb named after him?
(20) What type of business had the phone number "HUDSON 32700?"
(21) Identify one Chicago street that was part of U.S. Route 66.
(22) Name the sponsor of TV wrestling who was killed by an
unhappy customer.
(23) What was the last home stadium of the Chicago Cardinals?
(24) Name one old, locally-brewed Chicago beer.
(25) Before Circle, where was the Chicago campus of the
University of Illinois?
(26) Where did the Beatles perform on their first trip to Chicago ?
(27) Which of two grocery chains gave S & H Green Stamps?
(28) Name the boxing champ who gave his name to a local milk company.?
(29) Where was the ArmyInductionCenter located?
(30) Approximately how many inches of snow fell in the January 1967
(31) Who wore an Uncle Sam suit and was always a losing candidate for
public office?
(32) What public building was often called simply 'Eleventh and State?'
(33) Where did Andy the Clown hang out?
(34) Name the TV show that was the source of the local catch-phrase:
'Right Here, Harv.'
(35) Who were the Lincoln Park Pirates?
(36) What was the old name of the Brown Line 'L?
(37) Who said, over and over, 'Dat's right, Jack'?
(38) What do the call letters of Channel 11 WTTW--stand for?
(39) Where was Skid Row?
(40) Name two Illinois governors who served time in prison.
Here are the answers:
1. Name all five of Riverview's major roller coasters.
"Bobs, Sliver Streak, Comet, Fireball, Flying Turns."
2. What was the former name of Martin Luther King Drive ?
South Park Avenue
3. How many times was Richard J. Daley (the 'Old Man') elected mayor?
4. Identify any two candidates who lost to the original Daley. Pick two.
Merriam, Sheehan, Adamowski, Waner, Friedman, Hoellen.
5. What is an alewife?
A Fish
6. What did Jack Brickhouse yell when the Cubs hit a home run?
7. Name, in order, the three papers Mike Royko wrote for.
Daily News, Sun-Times, Tribune
8. What gasoline chain had Dino the Dinosaur as a mascot?
9. Which of Bill Veeck's legs was the peg-leg?
Right leg
10. Identify Resurrection Mary.
Famous ghost haunting the Southwest suburbs
11. Why was 1340 North State Parkway a famous address?
It was the Playboy mansion
12. Who was Uncle Johnny Coons?
Host of '50's kids' TV show
13. What car dealer was at Western and 57th?
Howard ('How, how, how can Howard do it?') Motors
14. Name the announcer of TV bowling at Faetz-Niesen.
"Whispering" Joe Wilson
15. What was a Green Hornet?
A Streetcar
16. Where were the Stock Yards located?
Halsted near 43rd Street
17. What type of store was Morris B. Sachs?
18. When he wasn't doing Riverview commercials, what was Two-Ton
Baker's profession?
Band leader
19. What Catholic archbishop had a suburb named after him?
George Cardinal Mundelein
20. What business had the phone number HUDSON 32700?
Carpet cleaning
21. Identify one Chicago street that was part of U.S.. Route 66.
Ogden, Adams, Jackson
22. Name the sponsor of TV wrestling who was killed by an unhappy
Sid Fohrman
23. What was the last home stadium of the Chicago Cardinals?
Soldier Field
24. Name one locally-brewed Chicago beer.
Old Chicago, Meister Brau, Drewrys, Edelweiss, Blatz
25. Before Circle, where was the Chicago campus of the
University of Illinois ?
Navy Pier
26. Where did the Beatles perform on their first trip to Chicago ?
International Ampetheatre in 1964!
(They performed at Comiskey Park in 1965.)
27. Which defunct grocery chains gave S & H Green Stamps?
National and A & P
28. Name the boxing champ who gave his name to a local milk company.
Joe Louis
29. Where was the ArmyInductionCenter located?
Van Buren and Des Plaines streets
30. How many inches of snow fell in the January 1967 blizzard?
Depending on the measuring station, 23-27 inches
31. Who wore an Uncle Sam suit, and was always a losing candidate
for public office?
Lar ' America First' Daly
32. What public building was often called simply 'Eleventh and State'?
Central Police Headquarters
33. Where did Andy the Clown hang out?
34.. Name the TV show that was the source of a local phrase: 'Right
Here, Harv.'
Bozo's Circus
35. Who were the Lincoln Park Pirates?
Lincoln Towing
36. What was the old name of the Brown Line 'L?
37. Who said, over and over, 'Dat's right, Jack'?
Irv Kupcinet
38. What do the call letters of Channel 11 WTTW--stand for?
Window To The World
39. Where was Skid Row located?
Madison Street from Clinton to Halsted
40. Name two Illinois governors from Chicago who served time in prison.
Kerner and Walker and Ryan...take your pick. (You can't count Blago...yet.)
So now - if you answered all the questions correctly (no cheating), sit back and enjoy the movie!
a step back in time!!
How many of you recall the NW corner of North and 1st Avenue in Melrose Park...just west of our famous drive-in, Skips?
How many of you visited the amusement park, Kiddieland...located at that corner?
Do you recall the Merry-Go-round? The Flying Turns? The Little Dipper?
Well, if you do, say "goodbye" to that icon of our youth.
Kiddieland is closing after this coming weekend (Sept. 26th-27th) to the general public.
The family that has had that property for over 80 years has come to a parting of the ways, and cannot agree to continue to operate...so the land will be sold (probably to developers) and who knows what will happen to the rides, the signs, and all of the other paraphanalia that were part of this "pocket" amusmentment park?
Another artifact from our childhood and youth "bites the dust"
Jos Davidson
how many do YOU remember?
45 rpm spindles
Green Stamps
Metal ice cubes trays with levers
Beanie and Cecil
Roller-skate keys
Corkpop guns
Marlin Perkins
Drive in Movies
Drive in restaurants
Car Hops
Too Gigio
Washtub wringers
The Fuller Brush Man
Sky King
Reel-To-Reel tape recorders
Tinker toys
Erector Sets
Lincoln Logs
15 cent McDonald hamburgers
5 cent packs of baseball cards
Penny candy
25 cent a gallon gasoline
Jiffy Pop popcorn
5 cent stamps
Gum wrapper chains
Chatty Cathy dolls
5 cent Cokes
Speedy Alka-Seltzer
Cigarettes for Christmas
Burma Shave signs
Brownie camera
Flash bulbs
TV Test patterns
Old Yeller
Chef Boy-AR-dee
Fire escape tubes
Timmy and Lassie
Ding Dong Avon calling
Aluminum Christmas Trees
If you can remember most or all of these,
you are in the class of 1959!!!.