do you remember?
Oak Park Then & Now
borrowed from the Class of '61 web site...pretty cool huh?
Then Now
Then: Corner of Marion & Lake looking West.
Now: Corner of Marion & Lake looking West.
Then: Corner of Harlem & Lake looking East
Now: Corner of Harlem & Lake looking East.
Then: Lake Theatre
Now: Lake Theatre-still there!
Then: Looking South down Marion Street from the Lake St. El.
Now: Looking South down Marion Street from the Lake St. El. The Lamar Theatre is gone.
Then: Elks Club on Lake Street
Now: A village parking garage
Then: 19th Century Club
Now in the 21st Century: 19th Century Club. (Don't you love tradition?)
Then: Oak Park Club
Now: Oak Park Club - elegant condominiums
Then: Christian Science Church
Now: Ernest Hemingway Museum
Then: Oak Park Ave. looking North from the el
Now: Oak Park Ave. looking North from the el.
Then: Medical Arts Building on Lake Street
Now: Medical Arts Building on Lake Street
Then: Municipal Building
Now: New Apartment Building
(this day in our lives changed me forever, I had never lived in fear before---oh, not for myself but for those I love, family, children, best friends...I will never forget. JH)
Kiddieland, thanks for the memories check this out....of course I remember!! as do my children!!
OLD-TIME CHICAGOAN QUIZ (1) Name all five of Riverview's major roller coasters. (2) What was the former name of Martin Luther King Drive ? (3) How many times was Richard J. Daley (the 'Old Man') elected mayor? (4) Identify any two candidates who lost to the original Daley. (5) What is an alewife? (6) What did Jack Brickhouse yell when the Cubs hit a home run? (7) Name, in order, the three papers Mike Royko wrote for. (8) What gasoline chain had "Dino the Dinosaur" as a mascot? (9) Which of Bill Veeck's legs was the "peg-leg" (You've got a